Customer Persona or Buyer Persona

Customer persona

Picture Source: Pixabay

A customer persona or also called a buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of a typical customer or potential customer who is the target of a business or business activity. Why the semi-fictional nature of customer personas? Because the existence of a customer persona is not a real customer. Customers or customers here are data that are considered to have a closer possibility of becoming real customers. The data in customer personas is real data so customer personas are not completely fictitious.

In the world of business and digital marketing, customer personas play an important role. With customer personas, we can know more about a customer or prospect. This can help us in the process of creating content, delivering messages, developing products and other things related to what customers or potential customers need, so that we can fulfill them with the products or services we have. In addition, having a customer persona can help us gauge priorities regarding which projects, campaigns or initiatives we will undertake, so that we can better optimize our time and resources.

So, how do we get data from customer personas? There are 3 ways we can do to get data from customer personas. First, through assumptions or conjectures. This is based on your previous experience. For example, you have experience selling offline by renting a shop and want to develop it by selling online. From the results of the offline selling experience, you can guess which customers will come to buy your products. Suppose the customer who often comes to your store is a woman, twenty to thirty years old, married, has children and mostly comes by motorbike. This data can be entered into customer persona data to later help you when promoting product sales in online media. Second, using Analytics media, namely Facebook Audience Insights and Google Analytics. And third, with interviews or surveys, it can be through daily chats with customers, where you try to ask about hobbies, activities, work, status and so on.

Among the data that can be entered into a customer persona is through the following questions:

Name, gender and age?

What is being needed?

what problems do they have?

Status (married or not)?

Number of children?





Device used?

What books or magazines do you like to read?

Frequently visited blogs or websites?

Which social media groups do they follow?

What hobbies and events would they like to attend?

What TV shows and movies do they watch?

What brands do they prefer?

Influencers and artists they follow and like?

Quotes they like?

By using the questions above, we can obtain data that can be used as personas for business customers or business customers that we will or are currently running. We may also use this data as reference material and guidelines when promoting or advertising. So that we can get closer to the target customers that we really want to achieve.

1. Name, Gender and Age

Even though the customer persona is not the actual customer, the data in the form of name, gender and age must really exist. Because this can be our guide to doing advertising or promotional research. For example, if we sell beauty products, then in our promotions or advertisements we can target people with familiar or attractive real names with female gender and ages 15 to 30 years. These results are obtained through 3 ways to get the customer persona described above, namely by assumptions, media analytics and interviews or surveys that we have done previously.

2. What Prospective Customers Need and What Problems They Are Facing

A product will be sold if the product is needed and the product can be useful for problems that potential customers have. So knowing what potential customers need and the problems they face is very important, so that we can provide products that are useful to potential customers. For example, in areas that are raining, we can sell umbrellas or raincoats because these products are needed and become problem solving for potential consumers.

3. Status, Number of Children and Education

Knowing the status, having children or not and education serve to target more detailed potential customers. Of course, married people will need products that are not or are not needed by unmarried people, such as baby milk products. When we have data that our target customer is someone who is newly married and has a baby, then we can sell baby milk products to these potential customers. In addition, data in the form of education level can be used to target potential consumers. Someone who just stepped on the level of education in junior high school does not need textbooks. So if we have a college book product, we can only target people who are at the lecture level.

4. Residence, Job, Income and Devices Used

When we promote or advertise products through online media, it is quite important to know where potential customers live, because social media has a very wide reach. When we sell fast food products that do not last long, we can target these advertisements specifically for people or online media users in the area around us so that they are easily accessible. In addition, we can target jobs, income, and devices used, if we sell branded and expensive products, we can target people with certain jobs, incomes and devices who we think can afford our products.

5. Favorite Books, Magazines, Blogs/Websites, Social Media Groups, Hobbies, TV Shows and Movies

Data such as the books and magazines they read, the blogs or websites they frequently visit, the social media groups they follow, the hobbies they pursue and the TV shows or movies they often watch can be used as data to target potential consumers which can later be adjusted. to the product. which we will sell.

6. Brands, Influencers and Quotes

For data in the form of brands they use, influencers or figures they follow and quotes that they believe can be complementary data when targeting potential customers. For example, if we target someone who often uses a certain brand, then we can target that person by promoting the advantages of the products we sell compared to products that are often used by potential customers.

Author : Mushpih Kawakibil Hijaj
Job : Digital Marketer CV Penadiksi Media Group
Editor : Sibangbara
This text was translated from Indonesian to English using ChatGPT/Google Translate.
